- 策展人陳雋中 / Chun Chung Chen、辛綺 / Xin Qi
- 藝術統籌辛綺 / Xin Qi
- 專案助理胡敦雅 / Dun Ya Hu、鍾倫華/Zhung Lun hua
- 執行助理陳瑋勛 / Wei Shiun Chen
- 表演統籌
- 主視覺設計劉悅德 / Yueh Yueh Liu
- 指導單位文化部、臺南市政府
- 主辦單位臺南市政府文化局、財團法人台南市文化基金會
- 協辦單位龍崎區公所、龍崎文衡殿
是什麼造就了「現在」? 在《空山祭》看見龍崎,我們知道了這裡蘊藏的、豐富的自然+人文+歷史過往,被大家呵護保存,就像微光溫暖的「餘燼」。 「餘燼」以「勇氣」來點燃,成為「火種」;即將邁入新階段。 臺南400,許多美麗的「傳承」似餘燼的小火般被呵護照顧著,如今藝術家們試圖讓大家用全新的眼光,「看見」古老中的創新之城。古老之地「龍崎」,延續著來自「過去」的餽贈;或許所有曾經的「文明」,都不會真正熄滅,而是像「餘燼」一般,潛藏,被「現在」發掘、利用、復燃。讓我們一起期待,新的「點燃」時代的到來。
If you light an "ember" with "courage", it will become a "new flame"; this is the secret to entering a new stage in life.
What creates the "now"? "Void Mountain Festival" introduced us to Longci. Now we know this land contains rich nature + humanity + historical past, which are all protected and preserved by everyone, just like preserving "embers" when camping in the wild. In Tainan's 400-year history, many "historical and cultural inheritances" have been cared for like small embers of fire. Now artists are trying to let everyone "see" the ancient innovative city with new eyes. Perhaps all the "civilizations" of the past will not really be extinguished, but will be hidden like "embers" and be discovered, utilized and rekindled in the "now". Let us look forward to the arrival of a new "ignition" era.
黑暗中有座巨大的山脈沉睡著。 仔細看,卻發現山體卻在緩緩的震動;原來,這是一隻巨大的火山之龍,正在緩緩的向前;她的皮膚像泥岩的鱗片,又有著奇妙的花紋。龍垂垂老矣,在不知何處的路上漫步、在時間線上行走,隨著年齡增長的,是身上如同餘燼一樣的鱗片,還有越發濃郁的黑煙。最後,黑煙成為了迷霧,籠罩著一切,火山之龍停了下來,迷惘、且徬徨。 遠方一絲光明出現,遊走出了一條光的路徑,這是「光之蛇」,鼓勵著火山之龍前進,來到了一個巨大的水晶柱前。在水晶映射中,出現無數的幻境,告訴所有人 : 許許多多的生命都是自「噴發」誕生的、火山龍小時候也是這樣誕生的。 火山龍突然明白了自己的恐懼 : 那些黑煙源自於她自己的身體,火山即將要「噴發」,雖然可怕,卻是邁入新階段的過程。於是她放開恐懼,火山噴發了。噴發出來的,是如同火龍果般的點點火種,火種隨岩漿流動,落地生根,長成了一片樹林;在林中,生機盎然。
Embers of Dragonfire
There is a huge mountain sleeping in the darkness. The mountain was slowly shaking; it turned out that this was a huge volcanic dragon, slowly moving forward; her skin was like mudstone scales, with wonderful patterns.The dragon is aging. As it grows older, the scales on its body become like embers, and the black smoke becomes thicker and thicker. Finally, the black smoke turned into mist, covering everything, and the volcanic dragon stopped, confused and hesitant. A glimmer of light appeared in the distance. This was the "Snake of Light", encouraging the volcano dragon to move forward and arrive in front of a huge crystal pillar. Countless illusions appear in the crystal, telling everyone that many lives are born from "eruptions", and the Volcano Dragon was also born this way when she was a child. Volcano Dragon suddenly understood her fear: the volcano was about to "erupt." Although it was scary, it was a process that entered a new stage. So she let go of her fear, and the volcano erupted. What erupted were little bits of fire like dragon fruit. The fire flowed with the magma, took root on the ground, and grew into a forest full of life.