- 策展人陳雋中 / Chun Chung Chen、辛綺 / Xin Qi
- 藝術統籌辛綺 / Xin Qi
- 專案助理程祈 / CHENG, QI、胡敦雅 / Dun Ya Hu
- 執行助理陳瑋勛 / Wei Shiun Chen
- 表演統籌
- 主視覺設計劉悅德 / Yueh Yueh Liu
- 指導單位文化部、臺南市政府
- 主辦單位臺南市政府文化局、財團法人台南市文化基金會
- 協辦單位龍崎區公所、龍崎文衡殿
等待潛伏的力量: 在看見之後。
臺南市的兩條生命之河鹽水溪、二仁溪的源頭,都位於龍崎區,可稱之為「水之故鄉」。在2021年5月,全台灣面臨了「大缺水」的危機,全球暖化與極端氣候的影響,逐漸向我們逼近而來;極旱和極澇的交替,如何保住「水」賜予我們的生命力量,將會成為這個世紀的重要課題。 龍崎國際聞名的「惡地泥岩」的特殊地貌,有「極易乾裂、不透水」的特性,因此在乾旱期間會看見一片「惡土旱地、乾燥無比、裂地千里」的特殊景緻。但若我們不被表象所惑,趴伏在地上傾耳聆聽,便可以聽到地下水脈流動的生命之音,這便是伏流。 2021也是「疫情延續之年」,眾人等待的社會開放被延期,時間的運轉被停滯。我們共同面臨了「無可避免的等待」。疫情的時候等待著社會的開放,缺水的時候等待著大雨的降落;而龍崎這樣的偏鄉,或許是等待著經濟起飛、人口回流、市場再次開業,這等待是長久的。然而就如伏流一樣,等待的期間也是儲蓄的期間,許多人、組織與團體默默的在地方耕耘;每個人都應當去探尋那社會潛藏的能量,發掘伏流水,引出灌溉幼苗,期待著花開的一日。 從裂地到伏流,從枯黃到滿枝,從等待到期待;「空山祭 : 惡地伏流」以「水」連結所有要素,表現「等待的三個狀態」:裂地(在地性/等待)、伏流(潛力/自我探索)、復甦(希望之苗/期待)。
The sources of the Yanshuei River and the Erren River, the two rivers supporting life in Tainan, are located in Longci, also known as“the hometown of water”. Because the influence of global warming and extreme climate change was approaching, Taiwan was faced with“the great drought” in May,2021. How to save water, our source of life, in the extreme climate becomes the most important issue in this century. Badland, the world-famous specific terrain in Longci, features extreme aridity and water resistance. Therefore, we will see severe dry and plain land with cracks spreading everywhere in such a distinctive landscape. However, if we are not bewildered by its plain appearance, and lie on the ground and listen carefully, we will hear the sound of a river flowing underground. This is the so-called underground stream. 2021 is the year when the pandemic went on. Unlike everyone’s expectations, The restrictions didn’t lift, and the operation of society was stuck. we were altogether forced to the inevitable waiting. We were waiting for the restrictions to lift during the pandemic, waiting for the rain during the drought, and so was Longci. The rural area such as Longci maybe is waiting for the econimic take-off, the return of population, and the reopening of stores. Waiting takes a long time, and it is like underground streams, which gradually restore power. Many people, organizations, and groups dedicate themselves to society with a low profile. Therefore, we should seek those hidden power as if we discover the underground stream, extract the water to irrigate the seedlings and wait for the seedling to blossom.
故事的一開始,「龍崎三鼠」生活在一片的乾裂大地,他們依靠著一顆大樹生存。大樹偶爾會掉下彩色、水分飽滿的果實,可愛的三鼠以此維生。這是被動的等待。(龍崎牛埔垃圾掩埋場的環境評估報告中提到,龍崎沒有哺乳類動物,僅有三種鼠類生存 : 松鼠、尖鼠、黑鼠。這就是「龍崎三鼠」。後來經台南社大老師調查,龍崎生態豐富,不僅有老鷹、穿山甲,也有保育類的食蟹獴、水鹿等。) 主動追尋果實中水分的去向發現,流出的水順著裂縫滲入地底;小鼠和大鼠開始「地底探險」。 首先,他們發現了細細的伏流;循著水流見到地底下埋藏的「文化層」,有大蛇的化石、竹編、炸藥工廠的遺跡、還有過去先民運送物資的竹筏。這是「大地的記憶」,也是重要的文化資產。 二鼠乘著竹筏漂到一座濃硝酸湖,像徵龍崎炸藥工廠的歷史。炸藥的生產曾是這裡最大的工作來源,這份記憶刻在所有老一輩人的心底。 小鼠手上的火把引起了大爆炸,昏迷過去。醒來時,看見閃亮發光的鐘乳石穹頂。往前走去,是一座地底巨湖;原來這正是生命之樹的根源,樹根泡在豐沛的水中,流光延伸向上;後面還躲著一個個閃亮亮的眼睛,是隱藏的動物朋友們。 找到了「伏流」的地底湖,許多隱藏在地底的動物都出來了,穿山甲、食蟹獴、水鹿、鼬獾等,他們跟著三鼠用伏流水種植了整片的樹苗,期待大地長滿森林的那天到來。
Badland & Hidden Flow
Titled about water, but talks about the lack of water. At the beginning of the story, “the three rodents in Lonci” lived in an arid field. They lived on a giant tree. The colorful fruits with rich water sometimes fell from the tree, which became the food of the three cute rodents. They waited passively. ( The environment report of Niupu landfill construction in Longci mentions that there are no large mammals in Longci, and only three kinds of rodents live here, which are Squirrel, Shrew, and Black Rat. They are the so-called three rodents in Longci. After the teachers of Tainan Community University made an investigation, they found out that Longci had an abundant ecosystem and creatures, including eagles, pangolin, and Protected species such as Crab-eating mongoose, Formosan sambar, etc.) Afterward, Shrew and Black Rat decided to find out where water in the fruit went, and they found out that water went into the ground through the cracks. The two rodents embarked on their journey to the underground. At first, they found a little creek. Along the creek, they saw " the layer of culture” buried underground with the fossil of a colossal snake, some bamboo weaving, the relic of a giant dynamite factory, and some rafts which were used to deliver goods. This is the memory of the field and the important cultural assets. The two rodents got onto the raft and reached a lake full of concentrated nitric acid, which represents the history of the dynamite factory in Longci. The fabrication of dynamite used to be the largest source of work here. Now it has become the ineradicable memory for the elderly in Longci. The torch on Shrew’s hand caused a severe explosion. They fainted away immediately. When they recovered, they saw the glimmering roof with stalactites. Stepping forward, they saw an enormous underground lake. The lake nourished the tree of life with its root soaking in the water. Flowing light stretched upward. Behind the tree appeared numerous shiny eyes. They are hidden animals. The rodents found the underground lake, and brought the hidden animals out, including pangolins, Crab-eating mongooses, Formosan sambars, Formosan ferret-badgers, etc. They followed the three rodents to use the underground water to grow saplings, expecting the field to become a forest.

“Campfire Stories”
The terrace of Chi-Chu Agriculture Market is the highest place in Longci Dist. People can glance around Tainan and Gangshan from right to left. At night, the lights of the city far away become tiny light spots sparkling. The sign-like“Mudstone Land Neon” outside the terrace shapes like the terrain of Moon World. On the terrace lie the “Artificial Campfire” and "Sound Installation". People can sit here chatting, spacing out, or imagining that Siddhartha enlightened by listening to the changing sound of the river in Siddhartha written by Hesse beside the consolatory campfire and the ripple of the stream.

Drifting Cargo
Ancient people in Longci put the cargo onto the raft, floating along the Yanshuei River to Tainan City. Use the QR code to connect to the website and test which cargo is your lucky one. The lucky cargo will project onto the wall and drift into Chi-Chu Market with the raft along the river.

Expectation of Longci
Garden Behind the city of Tainan is a group made up of bamboo artisans in Longci and the students of Kun Shan University. They lead the residents to weave bamboo, and each household has created their own bamboo lanterns hanging in front of their house. The artwork featuring bamboo with the elderly shows the light of Chi-Chu and conveys the living beauty of people, land, and corps hiding in the void mountain.

Rift land
Bamboo Charcoal Story Museum served as a public office in the Japanese era. Longci Farmers' Association sells a wide variety of local products there. Artist Wu Chien-Yi uses the technique of tape pasting and abstract color blocks to create the landscape painting, the magnificent artwork of bamboo forest and mountain of Moon World.

Cracked land
Footprints left by the animals on the cracked ground prove the existence of life. Teacher Shi-shi leads the local children to draw out any possible and imaginable footprints and traces, and the children draw out various fantastic creatures.

Rafting seeds
Fruits fall down and form a lake. Animals drink water around the shore. The indigenous artist Iyo Kacaw from Hualien creates a natural dynamic: wind blows through the tree, and the fruits fall. Birds eat the fruits and spread the seeds. When the rain comes, the seed is brushed into a creek, embarking on its adventurous rafting journey. When the rain leaves, sunlight dries out the soaked seed. The seed sprouts in consolation, settling down on this field.
Rebase#09 - 爆破邊界
Rebase#09 - Dynamite
Longci Dynamite Factory once became the only financial support for the residents, and also became the symbol of bitterness in the 1970s. The front of“Dynamite ” imitates the huge airbag in white and blue on the real dynamite, crossing on the front road. The standard font of the real dynamite factory is printed on the artwork. At the back of “Dynamite ”lies a huge egg-like installation with lights simulating real explosions. During the "Void Mountain Festival", the dancer of modern dance will perform a show about dynamite and life.

Vertical Language in a Sense of Longci
"Bamboo raft down the river" is the key memory of the elderly which connects the cities together. When the bamboo raft goes down the river, behind the dense boughs hide surprises such as human life, item production, etc. The daily happiness leaks from the splendid color.

Cave of Light
Artist Xin Qi uses the technique of weaving beams, which can integrate the gradually changing brushstroke, to merge time and deep thought into a huge stalactite cave. Stalactites are the creation of water. The one on the roof craves to connect to the one on the ground. After thousands of years of dripping and waiting, they finally meet. This is also a part of the light ecosystem transforming into the reincarnation of crystal vein caves

World Tree Fountain
Roots absorb energy. A newborn soul aimlessly floats upward in a place. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning comes out from nowhere and the rain falls. Life starts to grow up after receiving nourishment from the rain. When they grow up and link together until they are full, they start to merge and form a colossal light ball and blast out. The withered debris falls onto the ground and becomes the energy for the revival. The artists use the concept of Yggdrasil as a medium, shows of technology art as the reservation of water, rainfalls, rise and plant sprouting and everything growing, and digital and real forests layer together to make the real interaction between human and land blend to the virtual one.

Eye of everything
The local kids draw the eyes of animals peeping out in the twilight forest. They tell us that There are not only three rodents in Longci but plenty of creatures hiding in the woods with sights glowing out in the dark.

Light fluid
Water is the most common material on Earth, and it is also an essential resource for every life including humans, and the most important element made up of bodies . It is like discovering the concealed power in longci that the three rodents find out the source of the underground stream in the story. They can irrigate saplings and sow countless dreams by pumping out water to the ground.