- 策展人陳雋中 / Chun Chung Chen、辛綺 / Xin Qi
- 藝術統籌辛綺 / Xin Qi
- 專案助理胡敦雅 / Dun Ya Hu、楊曉萱 / Yang Hsiao Hsuan
- 執行助理陳瑋勛 / Wei Shiun Chen
- 表演統籌陸秀儀 / Hsiui Lu
- 主視覺設計劉悅德 / Yueh Yueh Liu
- 指導單位文化部、臺南市政府
- 主辦單位臺南市政府文化局、財團法人台南市文化基金會
- 協辦單位龍崎區公所、龍崎文衡殿
後疫情時代,「疫情狀態的社會」的離開也將成為事實,然而大家準備好了嗎?來「空山祭 : 隨風去留」,跟著龍崎人「必然離開」的生命哲學。大風起兮雲飛揚。威加海内兮歸故鄉。「隨風去留」或許不是一種抉擇,而是有去亦有留。 藝術節為地方帶來了顯著的改變,龍崎的「人口」在活動的二個月間增加,他們交通、尋遊、認知、消費,年復一年的前來,開始有人對這裡如數家珍,對地方傳說侃侃而談;他們攜家帶眷,有些家長或許抱怨山路的崎嶇,卻擋不住小朋友的熱情狂奔;也有登山客對這「簡單」的路程表示小菜一碟、輕輕鬆鬆。或許,人口可以是波動式的,地方情感可以是一見鍾情的,都市和鄉下的定義都正在悄然的改變,轉變成一種更加是「共生」的關係。 『從必然的「離開」,到必然的「離不開」;離開的是實體,離不開的是看不見的羈絆。』 什麼「離不開」?當離開迫在眉睫(或是已成定局),我們亦發的感受到故鄉的美好;或者是媽媽的一道菜,是與朋友嬉戲遊玩的美好回憶,或者是如山上區區長講的,他那離不開「龍崎空氣味道」的身體記憶,就連難吃的番薯籤,都化作回憶中的美好。離不開的是那些體驗和記憶,是美麗的景色;故鄉在都市的人,如台北,也會在工作疲累不堪之餘,想起台北的美好、美食、點點滴滴;這些種種,「心中的聯繫」不只是虛幻的記憶,反而成為了一種支撐,支撐我們持續努力的支柱。也就是說,那些「離不開」的,反而成為培養了我們「離開」的力量。 展覽分為「離開的四個階段」: 離開(地方/出發)、新世界(衝突/陌生的世界)、離不開(取捨/記憶)、躍躍欲飛(希望/期待)。
Gone with the Wind
In the post-epidemic era, the departure of "society under the epidemic" will also become a reality, but are we ready? Come to "Void mountain Festival: Gone with the Wind" to learn the life philosophy of Longci people's "must leaving". From the inevitable "departure" to the inevitable "inseparable"; What leaves is our flesh, what remains is love. The art festival has brought significant changes to the place, and some people have begun to talk about the place and local legends; the population of the place can be fluctuating, the love for the place can be love at first sight, and the definition of the city and the countryside is changing. Change into a "symbiotic" relationship. From the inevitable "departure" to the inevitable "inseparable"; What leaves is our flesh, what remains is love. What is "inseparable"? When it's imminent to departure, we feel the beauty of our hometown; it's a dish cooked by my mother, or the good memory of playing with friends, or the "smell of the air".Those experiences and memories are inseparable; these kinds of "connections" are not just illusory memories, but become a kind of support, a force that supports our continuous efforts. In other words, those who "can't leave" instead become the power that cultivates our "leave". The exhibition is divided into three phases: Leaving home (place/departure), new world (conflict/unfamiliar world), leaping forward (hope/expectation).
Gone with the Wind
From the inevitable "departure" to the inevitable "inseparable"; What leaves is our flesh, what remains is love."Inevitably leaving" is the common memory of Longcii people.Through this event, we want to express our love for distant lands, and give care and help to our favorite places. This is the relationship population. From the inevitable "departure" to the inevitable "inseparable"; What leaves is our flesh, what remains is love."Inevitably leaving" is the common memory of Longcii people.Through this event, we want to express our love for distant lands, and give care and help to our favorite places. This is the relationship population.

A Cold Wind Blows
Playing with "A Cold Wind Blows" together, that is our childhood memories. It is not only us who have left with the wind, but also childhood memories.On both sides of the ramp, huge windmills turn, take us back to the good times of childhood.

Wait for me to come back
The seeds flew with the wind and grew into trees, like a city."Independent living" is a state of life that constantly changes roles between growth and childishness, running back and forth. In order to survive, you must grow up, but you want to maintain a carefree childhood.

Great Crowned Vulture
The giant eagle and the labyrinth imply the life course of flying away from the nest, but also a little dazed.We can see the “Great Crowned Vulture” circling in the air, telling us that there is a complete ecological circle underneath, which is comfortable and livable, which is a symbol of the environment suitable for habitation.

Interweaving the words of the soul
This is the work of visiting local residents. Memory becomes the bond between village and city, hometown and floating place, leaving and inseparable.

L'enfer, c'est les autres
The artist led the children to draw various birds.Many, many birds are competing here, symbolizing that when we enter the society, we learn to compare, introspect, and grow, and we also know ourselves better.

《Trouble waters》
“Naviguer en eaux troubles”(法語),意思是在不知道自己要去哪裡的情況下繼續前進,迷失在矛盾的想法中。《Trouble waters》營造出一種模糊而潮濕的氛圍,觀眾在尖銳的瞬間和漂浮的瞬間之間產生矛盾的印象,一切似乎都在溜走,但又引導他走向未知的新視角。這是一座橋樑,一個他無法逃脫的關鍵十字路口。
“Naviguer en eaux troubles” is a French expression that means to move forward without really knowing where you are going, to be lost in contradictory thoughts."Trouble waters" is an immersive installation creating a fuzzy and humid atmosphere, where the spectator advances with a contradictory impression between moments of sharpness and moments of floating where everything seems to slip away and which nevertheless guides him towards new perspectives still unknown. It is a bridge, a crucial crossing which he cannot escape.

The mechanically abstract birds are crowded in the pavilion; the bird calls are rubbed, turned, and emitted in a mechanical and natural way, reflecting a crowded, noisy, but vibrant sensory thinking in the viewer's mind. .

《再基地#11 : 喚景》
Rebase#11 : BreathingHill
「 生命」、「 地景 」、「 呼吸 」、「 發生 」。喚景這件作品,藉由大範圍的覆蓋形式,要在這一關鍵地段,打造出生命的「呼吸」區域。在翻山越嶺之後,觀眾走到這泡茶區,都會渴求休息;正如故事中,小鷹作為遊子離鄉,渴望一個「喘息」的安心空間一樣,藝術家子儇來自馬來西亞,對於離鄉也有著豐富的感受。作品以街道家具的形式開展「休息」的主軸,給予在這裡休息的人們一個「隨風呼吸」的氛圍感
The artist is from Malaysia and has rich feelings about leaving his hometown. The work develops the main axis of "rest" in the form of street furniture, giving people resting here an atmosphere of "Gone with the Wind".

Fiber Falls
「隨風去留」的寓言故事在這裡來到高潮,小鷹先是感受到挑戰,而後所有的黃金果實都開始爆炸,變成無數的故鄉的景色黃金雨。黃金雨後,隨著風吹來,無數的絲線顯現出來,小鷹看到自己身上有連結著許多的光絲,遠遠的繫在遠方的小樹上。 以絲線代表連結,表露出風流動的禪意。
The fable of "stay with the wind" climaxes here,Eagle felt the challenge, and then all the golden seeds started to explode, turning into golden rain. Countless silk threads appeared, and there were many silk threads connected to the eagle's body, which were tied to small trees in the distance.

Trace of Wind
迷惘的時候,就乘上來自遠方的風吧!讓我們自由的隨風而行,在深沉的夜空中劃出一道光的路徑。 《風徑》是一群佇立於山林間的風車陣列,寧靜的綻放著光芒。當來自深山的風吹拂而過,風車將隨風旋轉,產生明明滅滅的光芒變化,如同山風在林木間留下的一道痕跡。
When you are lost, ride the wind from afar! Let us walk freely with the wind and draw a path of light in the deep night sky.

《裝置微光計畫:空山》 The Glowing Light Project:Void Mountain
The Glowing Light Project:Void Mountain
In people's hearts, there are countless threads connecting the "places of memory". The work on the suspension bridge uses invisible lasers to represent the hard-to-sever link.
